Russian Lineage 2 Gamer Murdered Over In-Game Dispute

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
Real-life deaths as a result of in-game feuds is nothing new, but it doesn't make things less twisted. Lineage II in particular is an MMORPG game with some of the most obsessive fans in the world, especially in Korea and Russia, with the latest death occurring in the latter.

"Albert" was a member of the Platanium clan, their main rivals were the Coo-clocks :)-|). Days before the new year, Albert's clan killed a member of the Coo-clocks clan in a virtual battle, and then Albert and a Coo-clocks member agreed to meet in real-life. The rest, is history. It's not known for sure whether or not Lineage II was the game played, but a screenshot accompanies the source article and the descriptions match up.

The moral of the story? Don't agree to meet pissed-off people from an online game...

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It all started when two clans - the Coo-clocks, made up of mostly students, and the so-called Platanium with more experienced gamers of over thirty - started fighting to wipe out each other on screen... Albert used to spend hours in font of his computer. On the web he had his own clan and a dozen of warriors. Just days before the New Year in a virtual battle his clan killed a member of the hostile Coo-clocks.

Source: Game Politics

Rob Williams

Staff member
It doesn't help that the game itself is so much of a damn grind... which is the reason I personally quit. I loved almost everything about the game... the characters/environments and the monsters, but the grind was asinine.

So it's no surprise that some people go nuts when they die or begin feuds with other people. The game is so hardcore, it has the possibility of making the player hardcore. Not everyone though... I know level 75's in that game who are far from being like that.

Death of any sort is retarded, but when it's caused by a game, you have to wonder what made these people go so wrong.


The One, The Only...
I've ranted against nc soft and lineage two quite a bit in the past...

I don't really want to here in this case.

I will say that Lineage 2 has killed most mmo games for me though. Once you get into the mind set of leveling for L2, other games seem to be too easy.