Rest in Peace: Chris "ChrisRay" Arthington

Rob Williams

Staff member
One of the best things about working for a site like Techgage is that I not only get to dabble in bleeding-edge pieces of technology for a living, but I get to meet some of the most interesting people on the planet during all of my travels. One example of this is CES, where last month, I had the opportunity to meet a well-known member of the tech community, Chris "ChrisRay" Arthington.


You can read the rest of our news post here.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Ugh. I had a small photo of him on the front-page, but I didn't clue in that that photo wouldn't be seen inside the article as well. Fixed up, thanks for pointing it out.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Just as a side note, NVIDIA had a modder build a very special PC in memory of Chris, and will be showing it off at PAX East. Not only that, but they'll be raffling it off, with all proceeds going to Chris' mom.

Oh, and it happens to have two GTX 480's in SLI. ;-)