Red Alert 3 Announced!

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
Whew, it seems that rumors of weeks past have been proven absolutely true. In the upcoming issue of PC Gamer (April), Red Alert 3 is announced and I suppose there will be a slew of screenshots as well. I for one, cannot wait. I was a huge fan of the first two and hope that this upcoming one lives up to all of its well-deserved hype. I also have to say that this is one of the coolest PC Gamer covers I've seen in a while.

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That tease from last week really was Red Alert 3! Just goes to show, dream long enough and hard enough and those dreams can actually come true. The game's the feature of next month's PC Gamer cover spread, and since said cover shows only some concept art, all we know about the game is that it's a third Red Alert.

Source: Kotaku

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I didn't care for that series near like I cared for the original C&C story line but none the less, I will pick this up the day it comes out. I don't do that for many games either. To bad we don't know anything about when it might come out.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I will pick this up the day it comes out. I don't do that for many games either.

I'd lie if I said that wasn't the case with me, but it's rare for me to pick up a game and actually play it right away. I think RA3 would be one of the few games that I'd rush to get work done for.

Hopefully the release date will be mentioned in the issue, although we know it's going to be real vague.