Recomendations for 360 headsets?


Recently, my 4th Xbox 360 headset (all the standard MS wired ones) died on me. Now I've been gaming since the 80's and outside one 3rd party SNES controller I haven't had a thing die on me until this gen so I daresay I'm not 'abusive' with my electronics. In spite of it all though consoles, controllers, headsets, you name it, anything that says Xbox 360 on it hasn't lasted me more than 8 months.

Now while I've little choice but to replace my 360 with another 360 I realize I actually have some options when it comes to headsets. So while taking a week or so break from XBL I've been looking around for ideas in regards to 3rd party 360 headsets, in fact googling 'good xbox 360 headsets' is how I stumbled upon this site as one of the first links was your review of the Turtle Beach Ear Force X3.

Anyways I digress, I've looked up and down Amazon, NewEgg etc and no matter where I look I haven't found anything I really feel confident buying.

Those $3 generic headsets may be cheap but they probably won't last 2 weeks.

Cell phone and other over/under-ear headsets are unfathomably uncomfortable for me.

I refuse to buy another MS branded one, be it wired or wireless.

The Ear Force X line has churned up user reviews with a variety of horror stories including bad connector pucks, incompatibility with HDMI 360's, incompatibility with Plasma TV's, bad background static, short life span, tiny working range, too many cables and so forth.

So I signed up here in hopes that someone here has had any amount of experience with 3rd party 360 headsets and might be able to point me in the right direction. Those Turtle Beach headsets look comfy and for those prices I'd expect not only quality performance but quality performance that lasts too. Anyways, any recommendations would be much appreciated.
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