Rebates by mail


The Tech Wizard
You see so many times that products offer rebates by mail.
I bought a Creative DVD player a few years ago, rebate of 50.00 USD.
I had to wait 5 to 6 weeks after purchase, UPC symbol cut, copy of reciept and all.....only to finally recieve coupons for more Creative products.
Anymore, I tire of waiting to get a retun of a promise to send a rebate.
It's just too much of a problem to deal with.
Why not just get the rebate there and then?
Or let the store give the rebate then and then and let them wait to get it back.
So, now I either just buy the product and Don't go through the hoops and jumps for a rebate or just buy something with no rebate.
I see that Micro Center watches prices from Newwegg and matches $$$ and also has in-store instant rebates.
( extra rant ...bonus for reading this far )
Newegg uses FedEx to mail products, if I am not home I have to run down a get the shippment before they return it, Tiger uses UPS which is good, they leave it at back door.
A t any rate I hate what they make you do to get a rebate, no more hoops to jump, I'm not going to cut UPC symbols and mail with the only copy I have of the reciept.
( End of rant )
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