PURE (ATV Racing Game)

Rob Williams

Staff member
I found some free time to kill last night, so I downloaded a new demo on the Playstation store for the game 'PURE'. It looked quite similar to Motorstorm, but with the focus on tricks more than just racing. All racing is also done on ATV's, unlike Motorstorm which uses a variety of vehicles.

I have to say though, it's not a bad game at all, but I'm hoping the full game is going to deliver. The control was smooth, the tricks were easy to pull off and the graphics were fantastic. What might kill the full game is a lack of variety in the tricks, since it's rather easy to pull off even the most advanced tricks (from what I can see), and the soundtrack didn't seem too unique either (how many times does Wolfmother's "Woman" have to be in a video game?!).

I'm really looking forward to this one though... it might just be the killer racer this fall. It's also available for the PC and Xbox, so if I do buy, I'm currently unsure which platform I'd go with. If you can play online between the platforms (which I don't see why it wouldn't be possible), then the PC would definitely be the route to take.
