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The PlayStation 3 has finally had it's firmware updated to 2.0 and as you'd imagine, there are a slew of improvements and feature updates. Most notable for me are themes, one feature that I've loved on my PSP since it's 3.70 firmware was released. However here, more than one theme is included, such as Nature and Pixels. The new update also improves media support, revamped remote play and even the ability to turn on your console via its WiFi connection.
Other notables include the ability to watch a video before it's fully downloaded, DualShock 3 gamepad support (for when they hit NA early next year) and a new information board that is just as it sounds... an information board. Very worthy firmware update though, so go on and grab it!
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As first seen in the 1.94 firmware update, which was included with the game Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, today’s firmware update also has support for force-feedback controllers. The PS3 appears unable to distinguish between a SIXAXIS and DualShock 3 controller, so those curious may press the PS button on any PS3 controller to view the new vibration toggle option.
Source: DailyTech
Other notables include the ability to watch a video before it's fully downloaded, DualShock 3 gamepad support (for when they hit NA early next year) and a new information board that is just as it sounds... an information board. Very worthy firmware update though, so go on and grab it!
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As first seen in the 1.94 firmware update, which was included with the game Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, today’s firmware update also has support for force-feedback controllers. The PS3 appears unable to distinguish between a SIXAXIS and DualShock 3 controller, so those curious may press the PS button on any PS3 controller to view the new vibration toggle option.
Source: DailyTech