Proudest gaming achievements

Rob Williams

Staff member
Probably 100%'ing San Fran Rush 2049. Getting all the coins in the game was hardcore!

That, or clearing through Tony Hawk 2 for a 100% completion in 60 minutes.

Oh, and hitting level 126 in Asheron's Call ;-)

Good post, I look forward to seeing others accomplishments.


The One, The Only...
I beat the first resident evil in one sitting... (ok so i took potty breaks and at one point i had to pay the pizza man.)

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
My friend and I played RE2 all the way to the sewers without a memory card but then died... it was like my dog had just died. I was that sad.

I did finally beat the original Mario Brothers in high school, that was also a sad event but for a completely differant reason.

I would have to say that my best memory is beating Halo on the Legendary difficulty settings. That or when I first beat Resident Evil 3....that game consumed my life. I miss my Dreamcast.


Partition Master
I remember beating Resident Evil 2 with my friend all the way through Leon's campaign. Nothing like soda, unholy amounts of goldfish crackers, and zombies to spend the night.
That same night we also got the international liscence in the first Gran Turismo.
Holy crap that was hard. It took us forever to get that cause we sucked.
Beating the original Ghost Recon games. I don't know why, but those were some really intense moments that I felt proud to survive through.

I remember in Counter Strike (the old one), I was playing terrorists. I happened to be the last remaining survivor and there were about 5-6 CT's left. It was a good thing I still had most of my ammo and all of my health and kevlar along with some flashbangs and a grenade. The map I was playing was de-Dust. The bomb was in the halls, that is located in the middle of the map. Knowing that the CT's were most likely camping the bomb, I popped a flashbang in the hall, managed to pick up the bomb and kill a couple CT's. Popped another bang, which kinda blinded me, but managed to reach the bombin area. I quickly planted and fought off the remaining CT's. There were about 4-5 of them left, all firing at me. I managed to pop a grenade, which did nothing, and took down two before I went down. The CT guy tried to disarm, but kaboom~! He got rocked.

Battlefield 2, I got the Sergeant rank. But then got bored with the game.