Project Gutenberg


Tech Monkey
I have wondered if any or are all of the ebook readers compatible with Project Gutenberg eBooks?

I have also thought that I *might* be interested in an ebook reader if my tech magazines were easily available on them ... automagically would be great. So maybe my question is; are all ebook readers compatible with .pdf AND .djvu formats?


The One, The Only...
Not sure about today, but previous ones either supported B & W .pdf with images or with images removed, if they indeed had .pdf support.

I think the new kindle does support pdf... but dont quote me on that.

In the mean time, my 5 year old Nokia n810 supports most flash, can read pdf, comic fomats, most ebook format (including project guttenberg) and I can do a ton of other things.

Cost me ~200 used.

Most REAL UMPCs and Tablets kick some of this new wave craze shit's ass.