As far as I'm concerned, you made a great choice by choosing Gentoo to help you learn Linux, <em>especially</em> for the kind of work you do. Distros like Ubuntu are fine for the end-user, but if you REALLY want to learn the ins and outs of Linux, they aren't exactly the best choice, since they don't really take away control, but make it much more difficult to access.
Gentoo is great because it's DIY, and even though it may do some things different than other distros, it helps you to truly understand how Linux as a whole works, so that when you <em>do</em> jump to another distro, or have to deal with a different one at work, like Red Hat or something like that, you're previous knowledge will definitely help you pick up the differences on the new one quick.
If you ever need any help with a problem or anything, just give me a holler.
Just out of curiosity, what distro are you dealing with at work?