Portal 2 Released to Mixed Reaction

Rob Williams

Staff member
After weeks of being teased with various trailers, Portal 2 was finally released late last night - but to mixed reaction. Around the Web, every review I've seen has awarded the game very handsomely, with a couple of perfect scores, and the lowest being 9.3/10. For PC games, seeing scores this high is rare, so it appears that Valve, has done it once again.


Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Fucking gamers and their feeling of entitlement. Port-ish or not, you like the game or you don't. Valve didn't have to do any release early so anything is better than nothing. I've only play the single player game for a few hours and have enjoyed it thoroughly so I can only hope that the rest of the game is as fun.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'll probably buy it next week and we can go through it :D

I've actually been playing with Greg, and for your sake I wouldn't want to "ruin" the game for you since I'll know how to beat all of the levels. I'd HIGHLY recommend you play with a good friend to have the most fun, since you experience it together. I can't imagine playing with some random person to be nearly as fun.

That said, about 90 minutes into it, and the game has been a BLAST so far (co-op). I complained about graphics a bit in the news post, but they're actually a lot better when you don't analyze them to death.


Fucking gamers and their feeling of entitlement. Port-ish or not, you like the game or you don't.

Gamers have a tendency to act like bratty kids, even if the majority of gamers are 18 and above. It's the biggest reason why I only play online rarely - if so, mostly with my real-world friends (haven't raced online in years...)


Tech Junkie
I'm too busy with Shogun 2 to even think about this! Its awesome! The only game which has kept me awake from 1am to 8am non stop for 3 days!! :D


Techgage Staff
Staff member
I loved Portal 2! Already beat it in single player and co-op so I wouldn't have minded a bit more fun, but I enjoyed it. :D I was concerned about Portal 2 living up to the high expectations set by its predecessor, but Valve pulled it off.

As ya mention them specifically, I'll admit the old HL2 doors stood out a bit of a sore thumb, I'm not even sure the flat texture changed on those other than the color. Forget comparing anything to the consoles, those doors predated the 360 and PS3. ;) Some of the other flat textures looked off if you stop to look at them as well, but overall they blended in well enough. Hopefully Valve will decide to make a game that doesn't involve those flat texture doors, they are ubiquitous given they exist in every Valve game since the original Half Life, other than perhaps TF2.

Don't click this link unless you've finished single player mode already. I set the vid to start later so it doesn't give away how to find this for those that missed it on their first playthrough. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=C0lKE3GAosQ#t=34s