From our front-page news:
According to the official Playstation blog, PS3 consoles working together crunching for the Folding@home project have just hit the 1 Petaflop mark, a truly incredible feat for a console that's been out for less than a year. The Cell processor may not be that ideal for computer use at this point in time, but it really makes a great folder.
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As can be seen from the stats page over at Stanford, PS3 consoles are delivering 1020 TFLOPS (that’s over 1 Petaflop) from 41,145 participants. I’d like to encourage people that really want to learn more about what Stanford’s doing with Folding@home to read the project director’s blog. He recently blogged about how processors such as the Cell/B.E. can produce that much work for the Folding@home project.
Source: Playstation Blog
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As can be seen from the stats page over at Stanford, PS3 consoles are delivering 1020 TFLOPS (that’s over 1 Petaflop) from 41,145 participants. I’d like to encourage people that really want to learn more about what Stanford’s doing with Folding@home to read the project director’s blog. He recently blogged about how processors such as the Cell/B.E. can produce that much work for the Folding@home project.
Source: Playstation Blog