OCZ 2GB Gold PC2-8800

Rob Williams

Staff member
It was only a matter of time before a company would release speedy DDR2-1100 modules, and OCZ has officially become the first. As one would expect, with such speed also comes loose timings. 5-6-6... ouch! We will see if tightening of those timings is possible, and also see if we can push them beyond their 550MHz speeds.

Read the review here and discuss it here.


Im a happy Old tech.

I just installed Sabayon and was think about SUSE 10.2

The partiton managers default patitioning was for root and swap.
I like a home partition so if something go haywire I wont loose my stuff.
I think the partition manager was a little confusing while making the home.

Other than that it was the smoothest Linux intall that Ive ever done.

It has my favorite apps allready Gimp 2.3 Inkscape Scribus and more.

It detected all my hardware.

My old job for 15 years was techin.
Built from parts that gamers didnt want while ugrading about 5 years ago.

Old 786mb pc133 ram
2.4G amd 32bit
Old Gigabyte mother
ATI 7200
Audigy sound
Oh very old 4x dvd burner that Ubuntu could not see.
I forgot to plug in my ATA133 Promise card I hope it works.

Im impressed and I think Im hooked. OpenGL is going good.

Pros about Sabayon... If your a tech you dont want to spend a lot of time installin OSes that are hard because its a waste of time.

I think MS products are a waste of time. I spend to much time using live Linux CDs recovering peoples work on corrupt MS OSes. It take twice as long to intall XP if you want all the updates. Oh I slipsteamed the updates to CD.
I think once a tech always a tech. AArrrr....

Im going to download the Amd64 version for my next personal machine build.

Sabayon is a perfect alternative for someone that doent have a licenced MS disk.

The things I do now Computer Graphics

Blender rules..