Not Enough of a Geek? Listen to the Linux Kernel!

Rob Williams

Staff member
People who use and understand Linux to a great degree could be considered "geeks", but if that's the case, what would you call someone who listens to the Linux kernel source code? Yes, I said listens. It'd be one thing to read through it, but thanks to Frederic Cambus, the ability to sit back and listen to the Linux source code is a reality, and not surprisingly, it's all made possible with the help of open-source software.

Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


Basket Chassis
Staff member
You Linux folks.

I wonder what the Windows code would sound like? Probably Celine Dione caught in a meat grinder. Hmm...that sounds good and bad at the same time.


Senior Editor
Staff member
Rob sprang this on me in an IM, to which I promptly pulled a WTF face... be prepared for a lot of high speed "Asterisk Asterisk... random text string relating to linux kernel code ..."

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yes, it's ridiculous, but cool for a laugh. I'd much rather read the code than hear it.


Senior Editor
Staff member

Because the Internet can...

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'm surprised I could see it, being in Canada.

I have no idea what Vevo is, but it came out of nowhere this year and is plastered all over YouTube. I hate it. Watched a Slayer music video the other and there were ads around it for Beyonce or something like that. Nice pairing there.


Tech Monkey
The flash/javascript/whatever ads are becoming worse and worse. I especially hate those ones that take over your whole screen. And the sites that make you watch commercials before you can get to the content.:mad:

Rob Williams

Staff member
Don't feel bad. I can't watch any of the Saturday Night Live material because it's blocked in Canada so it looks like "copyright laws" are cocking up the works for everybody.

That reminds me of that little project I've been meaning to get on *sigh*.