Norway Terrorist 'Trained' with Modern Warfare 2

Rob Williams

Staff member
It almost seems inevitable that with a tragedy caused by a lone individual, video games become one of the first things sought out for blaming. In the case of Anders Behring Breivik, the man responsible for killing more than 70 people in an act of terrorism, it was he himself who gave the media something to work with. With his extreme narcissism, Breivik published a 1,500 page manifesto that goes into great detail about his beliefs and methods of planning his plot.


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Tech Monkey
Then lets censor all religions for their rhetoric about believing in one god, how soon we forget the whole Joan of Ark and Crusade events from our history. Too far back? Okay how about blaming AD&D for kids raping and killing people?

The point is anyone cause use anything to say they are using it as a tool or a scape goat, on both sides of the law. These are problems with people not with what they used to carry it out the acts and I'm tired of the scapegoatism, people just want a rational reason to pin on something because they can't believe some one will use something the way it wasn't intended for. Like when someone tried to sue the gun manufacturer for their gun killing some one, society just needs to wake up.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Then lets censor all religions for their rhetoric about believing in one god, how soon we forget the whole Joan of Ark and Crusade events from our history. Too far back? Okay how about blaming AD&D for kids raping and killing people?

That's just it. Video games are easy to pin the blame on, so that's what's done. What people don't seem to realize is that media has nothing to do with these killings... the people just are not right in the head. What's so hard to understand about that?

Did H. H. Holmes play Grand Theft Auto before he killed nearly 30 people over the course of years in the late 1800's? Did Charles Manson play Manhunt before he created a family and had them kill a bunch of innocent people? I could go on and on. Some people are straight-out screwed up in the head, and unfortunately, it's not always easy to spot indicators of what could be.

A very regretful incident! The guy seems to be completely out of his mind!

You got that right man :(