From our front-page news:
If you knew that Nintendo Japan was still supporting the Famicom, Super Famicom and Nintendo 64, you deserve a nice pat on the back. I for one, had no idea, but am impressed nonetheless. Due to the rarity of support parts, they are finally pulling support for those three consoles, so whatever you do, keep great care of the consoles you have!
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The next time your 'Fami' freezes up, blow as you might, it could be all over. Then again, it's nearly 2008; maybe it's time for an upgrade. Indeed, Nintendo of Japan is encouraging just that by ceasing hardware support for Famicom, Super Famicom, Nintendo 64, Gameboy and Gameboy Pocket due to a scarcity of repair parts.
Source: Joystiq
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The next time your 'Fami' freezes up, blow as you might, it could be all over. Then again, it's nearly 2008; maybe it's time for an upgrade. Indeed, Nintendo of Japan is encouraging just that by ceasing hardware support for Famicom, Super Famicom, Nintendo 64, Gameboy and Gameboy Pocket due to a scarcity of repair parts.
Source: Joystiq