New Sonic game en route?!?!?!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Whew. *calms down*

It appears that many different types of leaks have occurred over the past few days, claiming that "Sonic Unleashed" is en route. Normally, these kinds of rumors are easy to brush off, but there even a video leaked! I have no doubts that some die-hard fans would put a lot of effort into designing a Sonic game concept video, but really, what are the chances of that?!

By the looks of things, the game will both use 2D and 3D elements, and if the game turns out to look as good as it does in the video, then this will be the Sonic game that fans have been waiting for.

<object height="355" width="425"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"></object>

If true, we shall be seeing this one in November... and I for one cannot wait. You know... if this rumor proves true.