NCsoft Sued for Making Lineage II "Too Addictive"

Rob Williams

Staff member
Last week, I mentioned an MMO I play called Lineage II, and in that post, I also mentioned that it has the worst level grind of any game I've ever played. So it's with some coincidence that a couple of days later, news of a lawsuit surfaced where one US-based gamer is suing the game's developer, NCsoft, for making the game "too addictive".


Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


The One, The Only...
Reminds me of my stance on weed.

Marijuana does not destroy lives. Marijuana addiction does. I've known responsible smokers who live very productive lives; and irresponsible ones whose lives it destroyed. It isn't obligatory for me to say I have never smoked it, but I haven't, nor will I ever.

I have played MMO's before, and I can say that I was an addict for a time with several games. But I am and was responsible enough to step back and have a life. That being said, not all have a strong constitution.

My question: What was this guys job?


Tech Monkey
Wow....that's just....sad. One thing to ask would be "does this person have an addictive personality?" I have friends who used to be WoW addicts, but even they didn't play for 11 hours a day. Jeez. I personally don't see the "addictiveness" in MMORPG's. I downloaded the 10-day trial of WoW just to see what it was like, and I absolutely hated it. People need to learn to take responsibility for their own actions instead of blaming others for their problems or mistakes.


The One, The Only...
OMG mcdonalds made me fat!

... or maybe your choice to eat shitty food because it was cheap and fast made you fat, dumbass.