Mind-boggling comment of the week

Rob Williams

Staff member
"Number two is raw performance. The thing that separates consoles from FarmVille is the fact that consoles define the high-end gaming experience. When you look for the best graphics available in the whole game industry today, you look at Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and those games are the best out there, bar none." - Tim Sweeny, EPIC Games


I am not even sure what to say to this...


Senior Editor
Staff member
Man, these 7-year-old consoles at 720p with no anti-aliasing and 256MB of RAM beats the shit out my 2-year-old, 4core-8thread, 1080p, 16GB RAM, dual GPU calculator...

Excuse me while I drown myself in sorrow and play Facebook games for 6 hours because my Personal Calculator can't handle 3D graphics...


No ROM battery
You will understand, Rob, that with that quote I have no desire to read the full article, won't you mate?

On the bright side, that's Sweeny, founder of Epic Games. There's nothing he has to say that should interest any of us. And I mean, PC and console players alike.

Rob Williams

Staff member
It's unbelievable to me sometimes how legends like Tim Sweeney can become so out-of-touch and just not realize it. Given his company's history with the PC, you'd swear that these comments were made just to fill his pockets further.