Medal of Honor

Rob Williams

Staff member
Is anyone playing this one aside from me?

I'm about half through the game, and so far I don't mind it, although I'm a bit underwhelmed given how stoked I was for the game's release. The entire thing so far seems like the result of a major copy/paste job... there's just nothing that unique here. There's ATVing down some large slopes, kicking in doors and freeing a captive, being a gun-man in the back of a truck, and so on. War games in general seem to be too abundant, but this game doesn't seem to do anything that helps it truly stand apart from the rest.

Even the graphics are a bit lackluster. It's a console port just like Modern Warfare 2 was, and it shows in parts. There's an option for AA, but I can't see the result of it too well in-game. And what's strange is that when you launch the MP version of the game, you get more graphics options, including higher AA levels. It's so strange... MW2 at least shared the options between each variant.

I've yet to try multi-player, but I am hoping to later today. Even there though, there's only eight map and some aren't even accessible if you are on a mode that doesn't support it. The customization options look nice, though.

For a $60 game... I dunno. It's a good thing that Black Ops looks to make up for any recent war shooter... I hope it doesn't let us down.


Tech Junkie
gonna pass this one! like u said, a typical console port!

too busy playing Mass Effect 1, i forgot how awesome it was! one of the best RGPs everr!
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