Mario Galaxy & Crysis Receive Rave Reviews -- Are Games Fun Again?

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
The past few months have been great to gaming, and it looks to be getting a whole lot better... now. Both Super Mario Galaxy and Crysis are due out this week, and both titles have been receiving incredible reviews from websites and publications. PC Gamer went as far to award Crysis a staggering 98% despite a few minor flaws, while IGN awarded Galaxy a 97%.

Always being the pessimist, I have to believe that some websites and publications are way to lenient in their score giving. When's the last time you played a game that you truly believed earned itself a 98%? But besides that, both of these games actually do look stellar. I haven't turned on my Wii since January, but Galaxy is looking to be the first reason to dust it off. Are game developers finally realizing that they need to be innovative in order to keep our attention? Let's hope so.

With these games and Unreal Tournament III, NFS: Pro Street, Assassin's Creed, Rock Band also coming out this month... how is a guy to get work done?!

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Super Mario Sunshine did absolutely nothing for me...hell, I didn't even play it until a year and a half ago. I guess I was positive after several sequels that nothing could come close to the perfection of Super Mario Bros. 3. Well I am happy to report that I was completely wrong. While it doesn't surpass what I still consider the masterpiece of the Mario world, Super Mario Galaxy is the best Mario title since the introduction of the Tanooki suit.

Source: Kotaku


The One, The Only...
Im still wondering if i should pick up mario...

I dont get along with him entirely. SMB3 was the last one i enjoyed... at all.


The Tech Wizard
The Wii looks like fun, but I'm too spoiled with keyboard and mouse to get a Wii.
Counting days to get Crysis



The One, The Only...
you might still want to give a wii a try. And when you do be sure to check out multiple games for it. (wii sports, wii play, zelda, budakai, and then one of your choosing.)

The thing about it is that you cant really look at it like most consoles. It is a completely different experience. Its the equivalent to when the computer got a mouse; the wii motes change everything.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Picked up Mario... about an hour into the quest. Up until now, I knew little about the game... only that the entire game takes place on planets that happen to be very small. So far so good though. Sometimes the camera angle pushes the border on asinine, but it feels like it's going to be a fun game. Glad I dusted off my Wii for it.