Looking for a good gamepad for PC.


Hello there:eek:
I'm new here at Techage and I would like a recommendation for a good game pad for PC.
I've seen two models so far by logitech that looks pretty good for me.
- Logitech cordless rumblepad 2
- Logitech Chillstream

well I'm more interested in the Rumblepad because it resembles to the PS3 gamepad which is very familiar to me.
Does the Rumblepad2 have pressure L2 and R2 buttons like PS3?
And does the fan in Chillstream really do the job? or is it just a gimmick?


Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member


Not sure whether or not you'll like it but..

The Xbox 360 Controller for Windows (basically an x360 controller with a 20$ wireless adapter) is an EXCELLENT controller and has support for plenty of games, especially some recent ones.

A lot of devs who port their games to PC support it natively, and sometimes they don't support anything else.


well eventually i went with the XBOX 360 wireless controller for windows...
it's a console gamepad, that the first advantage,
and many games ported from xbox match it like a globe...

thanks for the opinions.

Rob Williams

Staff member
The Xbox 360 is the best, I agree. If you like the feel of it in your hand, it's hard to go wrong. I use it for almost all of my PC gaming, except with emulators... I use the PS3 gamepad then.


After a while you ever start playing games you know are ports with it, I played Lost Planet with a gamepad all the way through, and that was before I even picked up a 360.

Did the same for Gears of War. After you get used to it, it's very comfortable (though if I were to play GoW online I'd jump right back into kb/mouse)