Looking for a digital thermometer

Rob Williams

Staff member
Hi peeps,

I am looking to purchase a digital thermometer (preferably one under $100) that I can use to test the temps inside the PC. I am primarily pondering about memory reviews. Since each kit of ram can have different temperatures, I'd like to be able to compare them this way to each other.

It could be a gun or include diodes, but I am just looking for a good one that will suit my needs. If anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to hear them!


Rob Williams

Staff member
I am looking for something that will give me a digital readout. When I mentioned probe, I don't really care if it's a thermal sensor gun that shoots back the temp, or if it's a diode I have to tape/stick into the module.

I just want something mainly, that's quite accurate and won't cost an arm and a leg (ie: thermal camera ;-)).


I've never used one until now, but at work we have a laser thermometer. Last winter, they went along a frozen pipe with it and immediately spotted the problem area, put some heat on it and presto it was fixed.

Of course I had to hit the office computer with it. 4 degrees difference between the top and bottom of the case.


The Tech Wizard
Yup, The gun is what I use, laser pinpoint to check temps while everything is running.
And not a bad preice too....I piad $99.00 for mine a few years ago.
I recommend it

You can get them from some Radio Shacks and places that sell A/C and heating equipement
