The problem here isn't with the sound card itself 'clipping', or the amplifier's output stage hitting the rails, but with the speaker preamp's input stage being driven beyond its dynamic range.
Hi Rory... first post here, 30 year electronics tecnician...
I snagged a set of X-240s on sale and decided to play with them on my sounblaster 5880 card (used for high end midi reproduction). Up front they're never going to deliver mind bending high dynamic range response...Really... $50.00 what do you expect?
As you point out it's very easy to overdrive the inputs on this setup. I suggest keeping the sound card sliders mid-range and using the volume knob for listening level adjustments. On my sound card, with normalized content, clipping occurs just as the knob hits the end so the sound never gets messy.
Also ... these are DC coupled speakers so you might also like to be careful what you plug them into... some IPod clones and older sound cards do have a DC output component these speakers will not like. (Manufacturers counting on other manufacturers to include blocking caps... not smart)
I read the Techgage review of these speakers and as written I found the small satellite speakers seriously wanting... so I wired up a plug and replaced them with a set of Centrios-7 speakers from "The Source" (Cat# 401-2000 in Canada) that I had sitting around... Then it got real interesting... The problems are all speaker... with the C-7s as satellites the sound is almost amazing... The electronics are fine, they cheaped out on the speakers.
No it's not animal house loud... but for listening while programming or average music/ movie levels the X-240s with the new satellites does a pretty fine job. Frequency response with the Sub at half volume and the new satellites is almost flat from 20hz to 30khz . The bass is rich and full, since the sats can provide some bass themselves...
It's not a big deal to run some wire to a stereo mini plug and try different satellites with this setup... if you got better give them a try. Your ears will thank you.