KDE 4.4 to Introduce "Tabbed Applications"

Rob Williams

Staff member
As I'm sure many of our readers are aware of by now, my preferred OS happens to be Linux, not Windows, despite using the latter for almost all of our performance-related testing. My preferred desktop choice is KDE, for various reasons I won't tackle here. As you may recall, I posted an editorial a couple of months ago that took a look at KDE 4.3, and in the end, I was impressed. I literally hated KDE 4.x up to that point, so the changes were stark.


You can read the rest of our news post here.

Rob Williams

Staff member
As I said in the post: "Apparently, this idea isn't new, and some lesser-known Linux window managers have included this feature for a while, but this is the first I've heard of such a feature in one of the biggest environments out there."

There's a huge difference between a window manager that most Linux users haven't even heard of, and then one of the most popular out there. The idea is not unique, no, but with its inclusion in KDE 4.4, it'd become available to a far larger audience.