KDE 4.4 Set to Launch in Two Weeks

Rob Williams

Staff member
For Linux users, especially those using the KDE desktop environment, February 9 is going to be a fun day. That's the day that KDE 4.4 will be released, and like all major version increments before it, there's a lot that it's going to bring to the table. I'm most excited because 4.3 brought on so many great changes, that I actually started to like it. It wasn't until that particular release where I finally got around to upgrading from KDE 3.5.


You can read the rest of our news post here.


Partition Master

This looks great! Besides having to wait for Apple's mythical iPad, iSlate or i-what-ever, now I have to wait another two weeks to get my hands on this.... ahh... the waiting never ends!

Rob Williams

Staff member
You got that right... all of technology is just a waiting game. But, it's fun... there's always something cool right around the corner.