Is Our Video Game History Rotting?

Rob Williams

Staff member
If you're a gamer, and it doesn't really matter for how long, chances are good that you have some fond memories of old games you used to play in years past. These games could have been on the PC, or consoles, mobiles or any other device... it doesn't matter. Personally, I have a lot of fond memories from games, and for a variety of platforms, and if there's one thing that bugs me, it's the idea that at some point in the future, I might lose access to them for various reasons.


Read the rest of our news post here and discuss it here.


I remember struggling to get a NES started around '99-00, it's not like the systems have started dying recently. Although 5 years newer (assuming the NES was 15 years old in 2000), my N64 is still as strong as when I got in 1999...I have a feeling we won't have too many issues preserving the consoles of the 90s, when quality was getting better and before major hardware issues (see: XBOX 360 RRoD)