Is $15 for a Piece of DLC Too Expensive?


Senior Editor
Staff member
Is a piece of DLC that contains a mere four multi-player maps and an additional mode worth $15? This is a topic that we've debated quite a bit here at Techgage, and while I personally hated DLC at the get-go, I am not totally opposed to it today. It depends on a major factor, though. Is the DLC a great extension to an already full game? Or does it feel like something one developer put together in a single day?


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Tech Monkey
I personally think $15 is way too much for a MP Map Pack. I have CODBO and love the MP but I will not pay that just because it's new, if it went to $5 or $8 I would consider it or just jump on it. The big problem I have with paying for MP Map Packs is the fact we use to get them for FREE! Now we don't because they refuse to release the tools because they want to milk customers as much as possible. I am not saying all of these free maps were perfect but we had options and it let games live long past the end of support from the Dev, look at CSS, Starcraft and even BF1942 (especially the Desert combat mod). I think they don't release tools so ppl are forced to play the game through DLC and when they go to the next installment in a year they feel forced to move on just to keep getting support, as long as it has the name most ppl are content especially console gamers because they don't what choice in gaming is. I also look at DLC like this how much are you paying for the content in this case the CODBO MP Map Pack DLC, where per map is $2 and how often will you play them? At first almost an OBSCENE amount for the MP maps but then what? I will then just be shuffled into the regular maps with or they all ready are on some servers and your value vs enjoyment just went down if all you want to do it play something new.

I just want to ask the big question since we have seen greed rule the day with additional content and dedicated servers, where is it going to stop? I am sure game publishers are all ready trying to figure out a way to split the SP & MP content into two different entities and make you pay a much higher price for the two separately then they should be together. Then what after that a $20 gun? Greed is all I am seeing from these companies more and more and they blame pirates as the reason for it but it's just a convenient excuse to do this crap.


Tech Monkey
I hate the price, but the maps I love...specifically for MW2. It's still $60 in stores new!!! And the DLC packs are STILL $15 each, and this game's been released for over a year and a half now. o_O


Tech Monkey
I got my copy of MW2 free (from M$) :D haven't played it a whole lot though. I really don't like DLC pricing though. Its way too much, what was nice is for gears of war, if you didn't get every pack as it came out they made a 800ms point pack with them all vs 600x3/4 packs. AFAIK its the only game I have seen do that. Also piracy has to do with not having he money for the games so if they made em cheaper more would sell, I mean whats better, 50,000 copies at $60 each OR 500,000 at $25 each? $3,000,000 or $12,500,000. I doubt prices would be that low, realistically it would be probably $30 and then a lot more copies would still sell so they would still make more, maybe less profit per unit but many times more units = more profit. Its just simple greed, just how they are milking the COD series. I have played older ones and newer ones and COD:MW2 is actually very similar to COD:3 or whatever I have on the original Xbox, just new story and new skins and weapons but similar gameplay. Nothing new or special.
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Tech Monkey
I decided to play some CODBO mp and I really hate the fact that all of the CODBO servers have the Map pack running on them for free and that forces ppl to pay for it!! Can anyone else but me not see this is a form of extortion?


Tech Monkey
I decided to play some CODBO mp and I really hate the fact that all of the CODBO servers have the Map pack running on them for free and that forces ppl to pay for it!! Can anyone else but me not see this is a form of extortion?

Same thing with World at War. Looks like Treyarch screwed up again.