Humble Bundle 3 Available - 5 Great Games, Your Price

Rob Williams

Staff member
While Valve's Steam platform has become famous for offering regular sales of great games at sometimes ridiculous prices, the Humble Bundle, in the sort time it's been around, has been giving both indie games some amazing exposure and gamers a right to choose the price they want to pay. It's not often a deal like this rolls around, to be sure.


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No ROM battery
>> Are you in?

Not sure you, I'm afraid. Probably for $1. Missing three of the games in that bundle but not really much interested on them. Hence why I didn't buy them in the first place :)

So if I go for it, it will be for $1.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I was in a similar boat. I considered it more of a donation than anything, just to have them continue producing great titles that actually support all three OSes and are DRM-free.

Tried Cogs last night in Linux, ran well and is a fun game so far. I can tell some of the challenges are going to be maddening though :D


No ROM battery
I would normally consider a donation too and would just gift it to someone. I lost count to how much money I spent like that. But I'm going through rough times myself. It all happened very fast and very recently. Heck, probably will have to cancel my own project if things stay as grim as they already are (which they probably will). So, I'd rather be thinking of ways I could be the recipient of a large scale internet donation :p, than spending $5 or $10 that can actually make a different at this time.

The alternative is not to participate on the indie bundle of course. Which I probably won't, lest I feel bad for being an opportunist.