Hard Drive Difficulties


I just got a hard drive from a friend, it's a 60gb. He told me I would need to re-partition it because there was stuff on there, so using Hiren's BootCD (i forget which program i used) I created a Fat32 partition that was roughly 55gb, but I never formatted the partition...

Then when I began to copy a bunch of files from my original drive Windows XP started giving me I/O errors. So assuming the problem was caused by my lack of formatting, I used Windows Disk Management to delete the 55gb partition and create a new one that I would format in Windows. I did that but in the three seconds between deleting the partition and creating a new one Windows only sees 33gb available for partitioning!!!

My new 33gb parition works fine w/out the I/O errors, but where did half of my drive go?!?! If anyone has experienced this or has any ideas I would greatly appreciate some feedback...thanks!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
What operating system are you using? Windows 98 I would assume if your using FAT32. Let me know and we can go from there.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
The reason you are having trouble with partition size is that FAT32 doesn't do well with partitions over 30GB or so. Also, there is no advantage in FAT32 over NTFS as NTFS offers better reliability and is more efficient than its FAT32 predecesor. Only if your trying to network older PC's using windows 98, 98se or Linux should you use FAT32 as they cannot read NTFS filesystems but there are third party applications that allow that to happen. Just go into your administrator tools folder and run disk managment and reformat your new HDD using NTFS and see where that take you.

Long story short, try reformatting with NTFS and see where you stand. I would almost guarentee that will take care of your problem. If it doesn't let me know and I will help you further. Good luck and welcome to the forums!
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