Halo 3 Review Roundup

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
Halo 3. Chances are that you are looking forward to it, or really looking forward to it. For those of you fitting into either category, it looks like your long wait to play the game will be well-rewarded. According to every single review on the web thus far, the game is an amazing experience that shouldn't be missed. Though I pre-ordered a copy of the game, it pains me in knowing I will have to wait until next week to play it due to other things that need to be taken care of.
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Aside from my whining, I am betting that you want to read a few reviews before making that midnight launch. Here are a few that I stumbled on so far. The quote below is from TeamXbox's review.The single-player campaign and storyline are both very strong, but it’s Forge and the Saved Films features that will likely go down in history as Bungie’s crowning achievements. They’ve basically taken everything great about the series and improved upon it in every way, then added some amazing new features that we’ll be using for years to come. The fight may be finished, but this amazing experience is never going to end.
I might be picking up a copy of the game today, if I can find time, but won't be able to play it until at least next week. Yes, this fact will be a pain in the ass to face each day, but I am sure the even longer wait I must put up with will be worth it.

So the big question. Who all hung out at a store at midnight to pick up a copy?


The Tech Wizard
Not me.....I hate waiting in lines.
The last Halo game I went through in five days, then played online.
I had a better time online.
I'll wait a while before buying and hear what others are saying....THEN I'll buy it

I Really want CRYSIS...that's the game, if ever, I'll wait in line for


The One, The Only...
They supposedly did some serious psych study on game play etc...

Even the single player promises to be great.


Partition Master
I just can't get into console FPS games, but being able to record videos in-game is awesome - reminds me of many hours of fun playing carmegaddon 2.