GTA: Vice City coming to iOS / Android

Rob Williams

Staff member
GTA III has been available for these mobile platforms for a while, but that game never grabbed me quite like Vice City did, so I am looking forward to this. I just hope that Rockstar is able to bring all of the music over to this point, as that's one of the things that made the game so great.



Tech Monkey
Ugggghhh I remember when Vice City was big. (Makes me feel somewhat old >.>) I remember San Andreas coming out, never played Vice City a ton but I like SA, beat a majority of the game. Anyways I am fairly confident it will run on my tab and phone. Not sure that I would get it however since I mainly play games on my PC.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
I think Vice City was really the only GTA I ever truly got into. The environments, the music, the comedic parts... it was just great.

I am kind of looking forward to GTA V though... it has major potential.


Tech Monkey
Dunno, it was ok, I played it a bit on the OG Xbox but not near as much as San Andreas. I mean I like GTA but I finally got IV and I haven't played it (Except a few missions) and on the other hand I have played quite a bit of Saints Row The Third.