Got an issue


Tech Monkey
Ok so I go to play HL2DM, and I notice my ping is over 1,000. I'm like how the heck??? I opened up the task manager to look at what was running, and i pressed "show processes from all users" but there was nothing I didn't recognize that was running. Then I hit the networking tab, and holy snap my network utilization was nearly at 3%. I have slow internet, (1mbps) so that REALLY shocked me because it NEVER goes over 1.5 even when I'm downloading. I did a virus scan with AVG, then MalwareBytes, and I'm currently installing PCTools Spyware Doctor, but the other two didn't find anything. Now it's fine all of a sudden, but it randomly starts acting like there's massive network activity and there's not. Any idea what's going on??


Tech Monkey
Ok I may have found what was causing it, and if it was, boy do I feel stupid. What I think happened was earlier today I had started a download for EVE Online. It's 2.5GB and my college internet is only 1.5mbps, so it would definitely take a few hours. Well turns out what may have happened is when I left the campus to come home today, I put my computer to sleep. The EVE Online downloader disappeared, and I noticed that network issue. I think the downloader may have put itself into a background process, and for some reason I couldn't see it.

Now the reason I think this is because when I put my laptop in sleep as I was leaving campus, the EVE downloader was only at about 60%. I just opened it up a minute ago to finish the download and lo and behold, the download is finished and the installation commenced.



Senior Editor
Staff member
Hidden browser download managers.... the joys of. You just saved me going through all the usual paraphernalia related to isolating high ping time causes. Wireless network, peak time, dodgy router, background processes, etc etc... But never mind, always good when a problem solves itself.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, that picture made me LOL for real after I read the first post. If that's all the problem was, then great. Better that than something like a NIC dying or something else. Let us know if things keep up.


Tech Monkey
well it still works fine! :D Just played HL2DM for about 1 1/2 hrs and no ping rise at all..stayed at a steady 25ms :D

Odd thing though..I have really slow internet, but good ping..usually 25-35 on the server I play on a lot. I go to my friend's house, he has a 20mbps line, and I get 75-90 ping there. o_O

Rob Williams

Staff member
Internet bandwidth and latencies have nothing to do with each other, which is the reason something like that happens. It's the same on the PC, where lots of memory might give better bandwidth, but the latencies aren't going to improve. It could also depend on the PC also, and what's running in the background ( ;-) ).

Glad you got it all sorted out!