Got a simple question...


The One, The Only...
My mother board has a 4 pin slot for the proc heatsink but the heatsink only has a 3 pin power slot...

I know it sounds stupid to some of you oc'n crowd but how do you deal?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I assume you mean for the heatsink fan. There are also multiple types of 4-Pin power connections, but is most likely a Molex connector which you can plug in the same was as a hard drive, or the smaller one which there are four of on your mobo.

SO.. did your heatsink come with a 3-Pin to 4-Pin adapter?


The One, The Only...
nope... so where can i find one?

also the hdd isnt a 24 pin.. its some sort of flat plug... So anyone know where i can get something to still hook it up?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Are you able to take pictures so I know exactly what you mean?

HDD's don't use 24-Pin, they use 4-Pin molex connectors, or the S-ATA drives use the flat plug which would be available on the PSU.


The One, The Only...
i have the power to the hdd... get on AIM JOU FOO!

i just figured out the s-ata bit but ive never usedonw of those... any hlp wouldbe nice. Im assuming i plug it into s ata 1 but there arnt any of the size that is on the hdd... (unless its the smaller one.) GET ON AIM

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'm not coming on AIM, I'm busy :p

The S-ATA power connector from the PSU will fit into the HDD *somehow* :p


The One, The Only...
after talking with mat i got it all figured out. No problem ;-p

oh i see how it is.. no love for the stork on aim :(

but na im about to make my first boot with a screen here in a sec wish me luck :-D

Rob Williams

Staff member
It's no love for the 15 other people that will message me. It's hard to work, *cough play lineage* with a lot of messages.


The One, The Only...
hey man if you could get on some way and talk to me i really need help... this thing isnt booting at all and i know there is power to the mobo, and cd drive... the only things i cant confirm for absolute sure is the hdd and the video cards