Google Maps

Rob Williams

Staff member
I can only say one thing.

WOW. The sites been great to get directions and information before, but now it's even cooler. They added Satelitte images to the maps, so if you are checking out a certain area, you can click the satelitte area to see a real view of it.

You will see what I mean when you go here. Warning.. if you are anything like me, you may spend an easy two hours playing around here.


The One, The Only...
ok ok... I spent an hour. But you cant prove ANYTHING...

As far I can tell most of the satallite imaging is 3-4 years old... And sometimes incomplete... But its AWSOME!

Rob Williams

Staff member
I downloaded the Keyhole software it links to.. actually thinking of buying it.

It's like the Google Maps, except it's 3D Globe. You can zoom into towns and stuff, and get a 3D Perspective if you want.

Very cool stuff.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Not exactly sure. In google maps, my house and area looks different then it does in this prog. Download it.. it has a free trial.

Will Nave

Yeah... I killed WAAAAAAAY too much time at work when I discovered the satellite images a few weeks ago. I found my car!


Man this freaks me out. Tryed it a while back, but I only had dial up then. Took forever and my cpmputer sucked as well, almost crashed it. Tried it again recently with my high speed and it was awesome. God, Google is going to take over the world soon.