Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux Released

Rob Williams

Staff member
When Google released its Chrome Web browser last fall, it came with almost no warning. There were leaks, sure, but even those didn't surface until mere days before the launch of the first "beta". Google's known for a lot of things, and browsers wasn't one of them, but surprisingly enough, Chrome was good, as I found out, and it was clear that there was a new competitor in the ring. The downside, of course, was that there was no Linux or Mac OS X support.

You can read the rest of our news post here.


Partition Master
It's about time! Yes, I know and can appreciate the fact that the larger share for the Windows version would get Google priority, but considering that Chrome was built using Apple's WebKit, ( a fact that they acknowledge in various ads and thanking them for, I see no reason why OS X and Linux versions couldn't have been developed along side that of the Windows version, rather than as an after thought.

Since Google took out those ads thanking Apple for developing WebKit , I think that maybe they should also take out ads to apologize for its delay on the OS X and the Linux versions as well!
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