Gentoo Developer (GDP)
Hi Rob. First, thanks for the honest review -- regardless of conclusion (good or bad), reading honest reviews is always a real thrill for me as a Gentoo developer (I'm the guy who did the installation handbooks for this release & others; I'm a documentation developer).
Just a few comments:
1. Yes, the installer behavior did change. Seems there were more bugs and code problems doing all the steps at the end of the process, so the installer team just made it on-the-fly. As far as the partitioning goes, yup, that behavior changed too. It used to throw the recommended layout onto a spare partition of 4GB or more, but now it overwrites any existing filesystem layout, just like the installers for most distros out there.
And as you said, there was explanatory text off to the left visible *at all times* during the installation process; users really do have no one to blame but themselves if they don't read it.

One point that I personally goofed on is that the on-disc handbook doesn't quite agree with the installer's help text; the on-disc handbook implies that the partitioning still has the old behavior when in fact it does not. I made the change in the drafts, but apparently I never applied them to the final version I created for the Release Engineering team to put on the LiveCD. My fault for that error; sharp-eyed readers caught it. I have since fixed it in the online version of the handbook:
2. You may want to try out the ncurses-based installer included on the CD for comparison's sake. This is one you can use without needing to load the Gnome desktop at all; it's pure console goodness.
3. There is no "Gentoo Art team" as such -- just a week or so ago, a brand new developer announced the creation of the Gentoo Artwork Project, but nothing has actually happened on that front. All the LiveCD artwork, including the desktop background and the splash image, was done by blackace, a member of the Release Engineering team.
4. You may want to mark those links to gentoo-portage and (especially) gentoo-wiki as unofficial. Those sites are neither run by nor endorsed by any Gentoo developer.
5. There are a few outstanding issues that have popped up, mostly related to graphics drivers (as you noticed). You can actually update the graphical installer by booting the LiveCD and running "/opt/installer/misc/updategtkfe" -- this may address some of those problems. Also, you may want to pop on over to #gentoo-installer or Bugzilla ( and make a feature request for that unusual kernel build exit behavior.
6. The eselect profile stuff is even easier than you think. Follow our upgrading guide that I updated for the new release:
It's as simple as "eselect profile list" followed by "eselect profile set 3" (the number of the profile of your choice).
7. Sorry you'll be sticking with 2006.1; I hope the next installer update and/or the 2007.1 release works a little better for you. Sure, the graphical or ncurses installation methods can be timesavers, but the true power of Gentoo is its flexibility, and I still believe the CLI-based approach has the greatest flexibility. Thanks for trying out Gentoo and for the review!