Gentoo 2007.0 Released

Rob Williams

Staff member
For multiple reasons, this release is... just over two months late. I was waiting so long, I almost forgot about it.

Press Release

If I can find time, I'll write up my thoughts in the form of an article in the coming week. Long live Gentoo!


Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Woot! As soon as I figure out one distro, I might give this one a try... maybe.

Rob Williams

Staff member
So far... this is one BUGGY release.

1) If you have an 8800 card installed, you will not reach GDM. Instead, you need to go and edit the xorg.conf to use a vesa driver instead of nv.

2) During the setup, I ran into problems at the partitioner. Normally, when you click, "Recommended Setup", it will take the remaining empty space of the drive and show you an example partition scheme.

NOT THIS TIME. I clicked "Recommended Setup" and it formatted the ENTIRE hard drive, without even prompting. Now instead of a single 320GB NTFS partition, I have three different Linux partitions.

Getting back all the gaming screenshots and saved games I had on that PC is not looking good.