Four Major Halo 3 Launch Parties, Xbox Live Free Sept 25 - 27

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
Is there any Xbox 360 owner out there who isn't planning to pick up Halo 3 at launch? If so, the number might be low. To prepare for what could be the fastest-selling video game of all time, Microsoft is holding absolutely nothing back. If you don't have an Xbox Live subscription, you will be treated to three days free: Sept 25 - 27, just in time considering the game comes out on the 25th.

Of course that's not all. There will be four major launch events, one in NYC, Seattle, Los Angeles and also Miami. But you can hang outside any Wal-Mart the night of the launch instead, if that's what floats your boat. I don't often get excited over any game release, but it's hard to ignore the fact that Halo 3 is only TWO WEEKS AWAY!

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You can check out more details at X3F. For those who just want their damn copy of the game without all the pomp and circumstance, remember you can just stop by 7-Eleven at midnight for the game and a Slurpee, or the "over 10,000 stores [which] will be open to sell Halo 3 in the biggest entertainment launch in history." Remember, the Halo 3 launch has lofty goals to attain.

Source: Joystiq


I am not the biggest Halo fan, but even I am excited for the new Halo, it looks to be extremely promising. Too bad I don't have a Xbox 360 though. :( Eh, but computers are really more my thing.