Flashing bios gone terribly wrong


techgage noobie : O

Howdy, I finally got my comp working after a few months (the voltages on ram were .01v off..WOW and then I had some really cool problems with windows raid drivers and I had to trick new drivers into it.) - _ -

Anyways I have a dfi ultra-d and a 3500+ and I was getting probs in bf2 and some forums said make sure you have newest mobo bios. SO I went to dfi site, downloaded newest bios, downloaded winflash, and some drivers (if you need specifics let me know). Installed drivers first through windows, then ran winflash and updated bios exactly how the site said to. System restarts. Go to boot after flash and nothing. Pretty sweet, no monitor signal, no post, no beeps. 3 diagnostic lights stay on, one blinks every few seconds. Cd drives are freaking out if that means anything.

Is there some sort of flash recovery jumper on ultra-d?

I have the utmost hate for the Ultra-d so far :) This mobo is over my head... by about 1000^20 miles
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Rob Williams

Staff member
Welcome to the forums :)

There is a jumper near the battery... three pins but the jumper covers two. You can move the jump to cover the middle pin and the other pin that's currently not covered. Boot up and let it go for a few minutes. To be honest, I'd turn the machine on and off a few times.

Then put the jumper back to it's original position and boot up and see if it's ok. If that didn't work, you may need to ask DFI for a new BIOS chip.

I have a feeling the jumper trick will work though. Whenever you flash a BIOS, you should go into the BIOS first and choose to reset to defaults, unless you need to set an option that is required to get into Windows.

Good luck!

Edit: I should mention it's the red jumper, not the blue.
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