Extra 120mm front fan.


Tech Monkey
Here's another cooling idea I did for my Cooler Master rig to help with the airflow inside the case. With the fron of the case being 100% mesh, this really helped out alot with air flow around the ram/CPU area as I'm water cooling and without the CPU fan, a little extra air flow helps keep the ram cool.



I did something almost exactly like that for my case.
I couldn't believe the amount of difference it made!

Unfortunatly, since the front of my case isn't mesh, I had to cust a hole in the front to get good airflow.

I really need to get a new case one of these days!


Tech Monkey
I've got another case I need to do the same thing to, but the front isn't mesh on it and it also has a door. At least the door is vented so I only need to figure out a way to make it pretty behind the door.


Once thing that you could do would be to replace the 5.25" bay covers w/ some soft of custom meshing to mount the fan to.


Tech Monkey
I thought about that, but the mesh I have is very heavy guage and prety hard to work with, It's the same stuff that's on my cube, I may give that a try though................:)


Actually, I think you'd be better to use the heavier mesh.
If you use something too light, you end up w/ vibrations from the fan.
As it is, make sure you use something to space the mesh from the case edge.
Otherwise, the fan can make some interesting noise!
Even with a real low speed 120mm.
Believe me, I ended up rebuilding my mount twice because of it!


Tech Monkey
I've already got a bag full of nylo spacers for this purpose, I used them whem mounting the fans in my cube. All I really need to do is get off my butt and start the project.


Don't I know that feeling!
I've always got 2-3 projects just sitting around.
Sometimes seems like I never get any of them finished.


Partition Master
Thats neat I have a similar setup on my Centurion 532 but I used a 80mm LED fan as I don't have any 120mm fans lying around. I am thinking about stacking another on top for more airflow and more cool lighting.


Tech Monkey
Wouldn't it be easier to just replace your 80mm with a 120mm fan. Less wiring and power connections makes for better air flow............;)


Partition Master
yeah I it would but I have one of those Coolermaster 6-pack fan kits so I might as well put them to use.


Tech Monkey
LOL..............True, that's exactly what I used when I had my Lian-Li, all blue......;)

2 in the front, 2 in the rear, 1 in the top and 1 in the base. That was one blue blus system.

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Tech Monkey
I didn't realize you kept the case upside down. Does that help the airflow any?

Kidding aside, that's a nice looking case. I like the clean aluminum look. The red vid card on a red board looks great.