EVGA Step-Up Question

Hey guys, I have an important question for those of you who have used or have a good understanding of how this works. I have a 8800gts 512 that I got on the 14 of december, I want to use the step up on the 9800gx2 on march 11. My question is would my step-up work? does your step up get cancelled after the date or is that date just the period of wich you have to set up your step up? Thanks alot for any feedback I will be cutting it very cose so I would like to know from somone who has done this before or who knows. Thanks again. :D

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Find out the date that the card comes out and see if your setup falls into that time window.

If you have any questions, email evga. I have contacted them in the past about an upgrade 7800 GT to GTX and it was absolutely painless. They are great to work with and quite helpful.

Rob Williams

Staff member
You will be cutting things REAL close by the looks of things. Good luck with that, but even if you are unable to upgrade, you have an ideal video card given the resolution you are able to handle (unless of course you are planning on upgrading that too).


Tech Monkey
If you ask me, the 9800GX2 will hardly be worth the trouble and money to step up to from that card. You will be lucky to see decent drivers any time soon and since they never got Quad 7950GX2 SLI to work I doubt that will change also. Dual GPU solutions tend to be more trouble than their worth, and a single high end card usually gives the best all around gaming experience.

Rob Williams

Staff member
No one can recommend that right now. One German site posted "preview" performance and for some reason, the 9800 GTX was slower than a 8800 Ultra. I didn't link to the article in our news because it seems highly unlikely, and chances are it is the result of early drivers or something else. Since the 9800 GTX has faster clocks all around, it shouldn't have been slower whatsoever.

You should make a decision after the reviews begin to pop up.