Evercool Nighthawk VGA Cooler VC-F117 Review

Rob Williams

Staff member
There comes a time, when a stock video card cooler just doesn't cut it. To get lower temps or better overclocks, you need specially designed coolers to help you achieve what you need. Evercools Nighthawk VGA Cooler, like all others, promise to offer superb cooling, for a great price. Let's dive right in.


As always, read the review here first, then discuss it here. Comments, questions and flames in moderation are welcomed. We love suggestions as well :)


I tried many solution like these but water cooling seems to be the best. Normal Air cooling is not effective when the room temperature is high.

Rob Williams

Staff member
As always, I agree. I have a couple WC kits to test around here, so I really want to see how much of a difference it makes with overclocking.

I'm hoping lots.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Water cooling is obviously better for obvious reasons but nothing conventional will get you below ambient. I mean you could place your reseviour in a bucket of ice water, should lower your temps a bit but not enough to cause condensation but thats really not practical due to the fact that no one wants to worry about a bucket of water, its all about astetics with me. I am done rambling..........