EA To Cease Madden 2009 PC Release

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
While not a sign of PC gaming as a whole, the news that EA is pulling Madden 2009 out of the PC is big news regardless. If I had to guess the reason, I would assume it to be that sport games on the PC tend to suck, and from my experience, the graphics, despite being on a fast computer, don't compare to a console. It's obvious where more development time goes. Let's face it... even Need for Speed pales in comparison on the PC when compared to a console.

For those of you royally pissed, Peter Moore has some not-so-soothing words, "The PC presents some very serious business challenges to us in the sports category, particularly because so many of you all are playing your favorite sports games on the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii."

Though not direct about an answer, the PC clearly sells far less copies of a game than the consoles do. I'd be willing to bet that even the Wii would sell more copies of a title than the PC would, but I could very well be jumping to the wrong conclusions. But, it has to be something if EA is to pull a series off a platform entirely, especially considering that they tend to release countless copies of their other games on all other platforms.

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The news doesn't seem to be sitting well with PC-only Madden players, who suggest that EA Sports "EAT A ***" though we're not sure what that means. Another commenter asks "WFT Peter? NO PC??", suggesting that Peter "needs grow some balls instead of hair!" which certainly gives us a lot to think about.

Source: Kotaku

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Good Riddance! Your right, sports games do suck on the PC in my opinion. I have owned countless soccer and versions of Madden over the past, even a handful of baseball games, for the PC and none have compared to their console counterpart.

As much as I still feel that EA could screw up a wet dream, this isn't entirely bad news. I can see it now though. All those that use this as a sign that PC gaming is dead. Give me a break.


I've had 3 Madden PC games, '99, '04, and '07. The latter was completely half-arsed compared to the console versions. In '04 and '99 there was little difference between the console and PC. It's just EA's trend of half-hearting games, especially PC Sports games (racing fans will recall the debacle of NASCAR 'Sim Racing').

Although I don't believe PC Gaming is dead, the 'bigs' are just trying to appeal to the biggest audience and just try to streamline things. Heard of a PC game called Crysis?

EA Sucks...it's in the name


Tech Monkey
PC gaming will never die, but you will see less and less titles for the PC as consoles are far better at some games. Sports games are a perfect example. Driving games are 50/50 but RPG and the like are always going to be superior on the PC.
IMO Consoles suck ass, I do however own both a 360 and a Wii. if these games comeing out for consoles happened to be on PC at launch I would buy them in a heart beat. For example: Fable 2 - MassEffext - Halo 3 - Forza 2- the list go's on and on. Look on the bright side... We have Starcraft 2 and Spore comeing =)