Duke Nukem Still Alive!!?


Tech Junkie
3D Realms has not closed it's doors and they do not plan to. There was a change in Duke Nukem Forever's publishing agreement that left them unable to pay their employees. Therefore the Duke Nukem Forever staff has been laid off. That pretty much clears that up.

Now let's talk about this lawsuit. Take 2 sued Apogee (3D Realms) over the Duke Nukem thingy. They claimed that they had given money to 3D Realms and 3D Realms had failed to deliver.

A representative from 3D Realms has issued a statement in retaliation:
"Take-Two never paid 3DR advances or any signing bonus or any other funds related to DNF, up until July 2008, at which time they paid $2.5m in connection with another agreement for an unannounced game.""This is the sum total Take-Two has paid 3DR in connection with DNF. Take-Two claims that they paid USD 12m to GT Interactive/Infogrames to acquire the publishing rights for the DNF game. To be clear, 3DR was not a party to that transaction and did not receive any money from it. When the DNF game was originally signed with GT Interactive in 1998, GT paid 3DR a USD 400,000 signing bonus. Up until July 2008, this was the only publisher money we received for the DNF game. Meanwhile, 3DR put over USD 20m into the production of DNF."
As for the lawsuit, the rep had this to say:
"While we cannot comment on the details of the ongoing lawsuit, we believe Take-Two's lawsuit is without merit and merely a bully tactic to obtain ownership of the Duke Nukem franchise. We will vigorously defend ourselves against this publisher."

Hope is Gentle!!!:D

i knew it...HE'LL BE BACK!!


Rob Williams

Staff member
To be honest, I'm surprised that given the incredible development cycle for this game, only $20m was pumped into it. That said, it's hard to say who's right and who's wrong here, but it's clear that the game should have been out by now, because money doesn't grow on trees. I like the fact that they wanted to perfect it, but there should be a limit. After all, with an incredible Duke Nukem 3D modder fanbase, I'm sure 3DR could release a crap game and modders would make it great again.

As for the bully tactic, again, it's hard to say. I'm not sure what that $2.5m had to do with DNF, but if Take-Two did give the company money, and they still failed to deliver, I could see how they'd be a little upset.


The One, The Only...
If Duke were still alive we would be looking at an old man. Something like the last glimpse of Solid Snake we got.