Don't show your receipt? You are not leaving!

Rob Williams

Staff member
I was visiting a Tigerdirect (Large Electronic Retail Store) in Naperville, IL today (8/23/07)(8/22/07). All was going well until after I had paid for my merchandise and tried to leave.

A security guard demanded that I show him my receipt, which I respectfully declined with a "No Thanks" and continued walking out the door. At that point the Guard physically placed himself between me and the door and said "I can't let you leave until you show me your receipt." I attempted to walk around him, explaining I didn't have to show him anything, and he continued to block my path and called several other employees to block my retreat.

I understand the "Shopkeeper's Privilege", but under no possible interpretation of the law would refusing a voluntary receipt check constitute grounds for reasonable suspicion of shoplifting. At this point, I warned them that I was being unlawfully restrained, and unless they immediately allowed me to leave, I would call the police and press criminal charges for unlawful restraint, and also file a civil suit for false imprisonment (fortunately, I knew my rights).

None of them budged, and the store manager began verbally abusing and slandering me...


Soup Nazi
What jackasses. I'd most likely have ended up going to jail for beating down both the rent-a-pig and the manager.


The Tech Wizard
This sound so much like ME........
But, I did read that he was in a week before and kind of set the stage for this final confict. The one where he bought three items and two reciepts.
Anyway, I see there was an apology rendered and the world is once again a better place.


Rob Williams

Staff member
Yeah, I would have been pissed off as well. I don't think it matters that he had issues with the store a week earlier... though I do admit he brought this on himself. It's still his right to refuse it though, simple as that.


The One, The Only...
50 years ago simply asking to see the receipt of a paying customer would have been insulting. The only reason it is not today is because we as a culture has accepted it as normal.

I think I may try this next time.


Soup Nazi
50 years ago simply asking to see the receipt of a paying customer would have been insulting. The only reason it is not today is because we as a culture has accepted it as normal.

I think I may try this next time.

Hell, 20 years ago it would've been insulting but today people are cattle and don't care that their rights are slowly being eroded away. Read the comments on the linked article, 90% of them are saying "Just show the receipt, don't make waves" which is astoundingly sad. You have the right to walk into and out of a shop without being accosted unless you've been observed hiding stuff on your person. I don't have to show you my receipt if I don't want to, it's my private business what I buy and how much I spend. That's between me and the cashier I deal with and no-one else except maybe my spouse if I'm married.

Rory Buszka

Partition Master
You get a similar treatment whenever you leave a Fry's Electronics store. There's a person at a podium, waiting to check the contents of your bag against what your receipt shows. I've never bothered trying to resist, since I'm not a shoplifter and don't really mind, but it's still a bit like going through customs to Canada, with the notable exception that they can't take your car apart and then leave you with the pile of pieces.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Door people can be a big pain in the ass. I once was leaving a super market with four 18L jugs of water and was asked to show a receipt. Yes I'm sure, I am just going to up and leave a store with four completely massive bottles of water. Give me a break.