<font color="#5A0097">In your wallet, or curled up somewhere in your junk drawer is a gym membership. Admit it, you have one. You paid an exorbitant amount of money for the privelege of putting yourself into excruciating pain.
Same goes for MMOs
You pay, in some cases too much, to sit and kill things for the soul purpose of collecting pixels. *
So that could explain why the 'free' MMO's really aren't working. Anarchy Online, Guild Wars, Rubies of Eventide, Proj. Entropia, Second Life, I mean just look how many there are ~ <a href="">LINK</a>
If you're paying for it, you're more inclined to participate. You need to somehow justify that $12 a month by sitting and actually playing the game.
If a game is free, even if it's still a box purchase and free online play, is the draw nearly as strong? You're not seeing that debit on your credit card bill every month, you're not worried about cancelling your account because you're not paying for anything. It'll be there when you feel like logging in.
Then why don't we?
I've played most everything out there, usually just in betas but even then, why is it so easy to walk away from the free games?
<b>Why isn't the emotional investment there without the monetary investment behind it to guilt us into caring? </b>
What do YOU think?
*don't start - I probably have more pixelated possessions than most!
Same goes for MMOs
You pay, in some cases too much, to sit and kill things for the soul purpose of collecting pixels. *
So that could explain why the 'free' MMO's really aren't working. Anarchy Online, Guild Wars, Rubies of Eventide, Proj. Entropia, Second Life, I mean just look how many there are ~ <a href="">LINK</a>
If you're paying for it, you're more inclined to participate. You need to somehow justify that $12 a month by sitting and actually playing the game.
If a game is free, even if it's still a box purchase and free online play, is the draw nearly as strong? You're not seeing that debit on your credit card bill every month, you're not worried about cancelling your account because you're not paying for anything. It'll be there when you feel like logging in.
Then why don't we?
I've played most everything out there, usually just in betas but even then, why is it so easy to walk away from the free games?
<b>Why isn't the emotional investment there without the monetary investment behind it to guilt us into caring? </b>
What do YOU think?
*don't start - I probably have more pixelated possessions than most!