digg users are crazy

This isn't the first time digg has been caught removing stories from the site. People are up in arms about the codes used to decrypt the newest batch of HD DVD being removed.

Stories are being taken down and accounts are (reportedly) being banned. Everyone seems to be pissed off for one reason or another.

I always knew that it made no sense to police a community if no one followed the rules, but I would have thought digg had a plan B.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
It's unbelievable that so many people care this much. I am not saying I disagree, but I have far better things to do than sit around and figure out a creative way to whore out a string of characters.

It's going to be interesting to see what Digg is like tomorrow... the Admins can't really control anything right now, short of shutting the entire site down or putting it in read only mode.
Keven Rose just made a post on digg's blog.

What's interesting is the uproar only took place after the numbers were taken down. I'm a bit disgusted with the MPAA and digg, but at least they actually seem to be listening.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I just think people a life. I guarantee you that only 5% of the people who participated in that war actually cared about the topic at hand. The other 95% are followers... people who just wanted to fit in and act immature at the same time.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
While I find it humorous how this all played out, it just reaffirms my beliefs that while ideal on paper, in real life, Digg is an easily manipulated process.

Also, how many of these people know what to do with this code? Those that can actually make sense of it and use it would have found it out eventually. I can understand why it shouldn't have been posted but for Digg to act as immature as they have been, while commendable to some degree, is just silly and could ultimately end up hurting them.

Now, who else is tired of reading about this whole event?


The One, The Only...
I am not...

While I agree that news sites like digg must bow down to stay within existance at this time in our political and judicial system, eventually there will be a case where the company goes to far or slips up and a precedent can be set from which to over turn past decisions and future ones will be influenced.

This is the information age, big companies should get over the pirating thing already and try to come up with ways to combat it outside of the political and judiciary systems. I watched a thing the other day on the MPAA using DVD dog in mylasia... its not like the members of the MPAA are shipping that many movies over there to begin with as they come out. Why are they putting political and judicial pressure on countries that are already impoverished?

They need to wake up and realize that movies should cost less. In the salaries of actors, in the "publicity", and just about everything. If dvd's didnt cost $40+ upon release ppl wouldnt pirate them.