D3 or not?


The One, The Only...
I just got in to some 3d work... so far im still too embarassed with the stuff i produce to really share it.

That however is insane. My only real question is, why can game developers make games like this?


The One, The Only...
... WoW cartoons vs. this...

Who wants what?

I know that a higher end pc is needed to render this rob. I'm not saying that EVERYthing in the game should be of this quality. I am however saying that somwhere between this (and more so on this side than the other) and wow catoons is where i would like my games to be if the selling point is "OMFG LOOK AT OUR GRAPHICS!"

Rob Williams

Staff member
I agree with you completely... those types of graphics would be great. The problem is, even the highest-end computers you can buy right now would have trouble rendering a true model like that smoothly. Imagine pairing two of them together on top of a scene. There is a reason models like that take hours to render.

WoWs graphics suck. Just wanted to get that in.