Crysis up to version 1.2...

Rob Williams

Staff member

Sure has a lot of fixes. Here's the hardware-based ones:
  • Corrected a number of memory leaks with FSAA modes.
  • Optimized Object Motion Blur for DX10 Very High Spec
  • Destroying objects will now properly remove their decals from the world under DX10.
  • Fixed a number of memory leaks with some procedural vegetation and destroyable objects physicalization.
  • Fixed issue in windowed mode where the map or weapon attachment UI cursor can leave the game window.
  • Fixed potential server exploit that could cause servers to crash
  • Fixed crash with AI triangulation in the editor


Tech Monkey
I still haven't even tried playing the game, I guess I should one of these days.............;)

But I'm a true UT3 junkie...........:) And can't seem to pull myself away from the game.


The Tech Wizard
I still haven't even tried playing the game, I guess I should one of these days.............;)

But I'm a true UT3 junkie...........:) And can't seem to pull myself away from the game.
LOL....and I'm a Halflife2 Deathmatch junkie.
But if you like FPS games, then Crysis is awesome.
Your GPU should handle at least high settings, I have the SLI 8800GT 512 cards and use the very high settings.
At night ( in the game ) you can throw gernades into the air, the realism of the explosion and percusion of surrounding trees is just something to see in a game. And you shoot down all the

( waiting for Far Cry 2 )....even more awesome than Crysis


Tech Monkey
I'm sort of waiting for my son to finish the game and pass it on down to me......;)

That's how I get 90% of all the games that I have now, I'd normally have it already but he's been working to hard lately trying to ensure that he keeps his job now that Boeing lost that huge defense contract to Air Bus.


I installed the 1.2 patch this morning and the SP game is running like crap now. Theres a lot of stuttering and the Hummers don't have any back wheels on them, even though they are perfectly drivable. Also, there's just a funny popping sound coming out of my speakers when I shoot down a chopper with the missile launcher all of a sudden.

I uninstalled/reinstalled the game and installed the 1.1 patch and everything is running fine again. I read on another forum that someone else had the same issues as me. Personally, I would stay away from the new patch.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
Strange... I won't bother installing it for benchmarking then. Those are some weird issues.

Welcome to the forums :)


Tech Monkey
Sounds like they have a bit more work to do on the patch.............I foresee a patch coming out for the patch...........;)


There was someone at a different forum complaining about the same issues, which made me feel a little better. This way I know it was just happening to . I went ahead and uninstalled the entire game and reinistalled it with the 1.1 patch and everything is back to normal for me.

Welcome to the forums :)

Thanks :)